7. Maintaining the Replicator : Resolver Reports Menu (Replicator Manager) : Table Integrity Report Window : How the Table Integrity Report Is Created
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How the Table Integrity Report Is Created
When you execute the report, the Integrity option checks whether the table structure or a secondary index force the table keys to be unique. If the keys are not unique, this information appears in the report. The Integrity option compares the shadow tables of the selected table and reports any rows that are present in one but not in the other.
This comparison is performed on the entire row. If there is a row that differs in only one column, it appears in the report as having one set of data missing from the second database, and the slightly different data is reported as missing from the local database. The report shows which database holds the data and all of the columns and values.
The following is an example of the Table Integrity Report:
Ingres Replicator
Table Integrity Report
For table 'rep_dba.emp' in 'nyc::hq'
And table 'euro_dba.emp' in 'lon::europe'
Row only in 'nyc::hq', not in 'lon::europe'
database no: 10, transaction id: 811660429, sequence no: 1.
     *name: Doe, John
      manager: Jones, Ashley
      hourly_rate:               23.000
      title: Programmer
Row only in 'nyc::hq', not in 'lon::europe'
database no: 10, transaction id: 811660837, sequence no: 1.
     *name: Doe, Jane
      manager: Wolfe, Neal
      hourly_rate:               47.000
      title: Sr Programmer
Row only in 'lon::europe', not in 'nyc::hq'
database no: 20, transaction id: 811660329, sequence no: 1.
     *name: Doe, John
      manager: Wolfe, Neal
      hourly_rate:               25.000
      title: Programmer
Row only in 'lon::europe', not in 'nyc::hq'
database no: 20, transaction id: 811660780, sequence no: 1.
     *name: Doe, Jane
      manager: Ashley, Jones
      hourly_rate:               45.000
      title: Sr Programmer