8. SQL Statements : EXECUTE : Description
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The EXECUTE statement executes the prepared statement specified by statement_name. EXECUTE can be used to execute any statement that can be prepared, except the SELECT statement.
Note:  To execute a prepared SELECT statement, use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (see EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) statement.
To use long varchar columns as variables in the USING clause, specify a DATAHANDLER clause in place of the host language variable. For details about data handler routines, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
The syntax for the datahandler clause is as follows:
datahandler(handler_routine ([handler_arg]))[:indicator_var]
The following example prepares a statement containing one question mark from a buffer and executes it using a host language variable:
statement_buffer =
         'delete from ' + table_name +
                  ' where code = ?';
exec sql prepare del_stmt from :statement_buffer;
exec sql execute del_stmt using :code;
The value in the variable, code, replaces the '?' in the WHERE clause of the prepared DELETE statement.
If the number and data types of the parameters in the prepared statement are not known until runtime, the USING DESCRIPTOR alternative must be used. In this alternative, the descriptor_name identifies an SQLDA, a host language structure that must be allocated prior to its use. The SQLDA includes the sqlvar array. Each element of sqlvar is used to describe and point to a host language variable. The EXECUTE statement uses the values placed in the variables pointed to by the sqlvar elements to execute the prepared statement.
When the SQLDA is used for input, as it is in this case, your application program must set the sqlvar array element type, length, and data area for each portion of the prepared statement that is specified by question marks prior to executing the statement. Your application program can use one of the following methods to supply that information:
When preparing the statement, the program can request all type and length information from the interactive user.
Before preparing the statement, the program can scan the statement string, and build a SELECT statement out of the clauses that include parameters. The program can prepare and describe this SELECT statement to collect data type information to be used on input.
If another application development tool is being used to build the dynamic statements (such as an 4GL frame or a VIFRED form), the data type information included in those objects can be used to build the descriptor. An example of this method is shown in the examples.
In addition, the program must also correctly set the sqld field in the SQLDA structure.
The variables used by the USING clause can be associated with indicator variables if indicator variables are permitted with the same statement in the non-dynamic case.
For example, because indicator variables are permitted in the INSERT statement VALUES clause, the following dynamically defined INSERT statement can include indicator variables (name_ind and age_ind) in the EXECUTE statement:
statement_buffer = 'insert into employee (name, age) values (?, ?)';
exec sql prepare s1 from :statement_buffer;
exec sql execute s1 using :name:name_ind, :age:age_ind;
However, a host structure variable cannot be used in the USING clause, even if the named statement refers to a statement that allows a host structure variable when issued non-dynamically.
This statement must be terminated according to the rules of the host language.