4. Understanding the Elements of SQL Statements : SQL Operations : Assignment Operations : Numeric Assignments
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Numeric Assignments
All numeric types are compatible with one another and with character types. Money is compatible with all of the numeric and string data types.
Numeric assignments follow these rules:
The DBMS Server can truncate leading zeros, or all or part of the fractional part of a number if necessary. If truncation of the non-fractional part of a value (other than leading zeros) is necessary, an overflow error results. These errors are reported only if numeric overflow error handling (see Specify Error Handling for Arithmetic) is set to warn or fail.
If the receiving column or variable specifies more digits to the right of the decimal point than is present in the assignment value, the assignment value is padded with trailing zeros.
When a float, float4, decimal, or money value is assigned to an integer column or variable, the fractional part is truncated.
When a decimal value with a scale greater than two is assigned to a money column or variable, the fractional value is rounded.
Character data is subject to numeric syntax checks if assigned in a numeric or money context.