Detect Ingres Startup Problems on VMS
If you are having ingstart problems, use the following procedure:
1. Display the processes that are running by issuing the following command at the operating system prompt:
show system /out = filename
search filename "II_", "DMF"
The search command searches the user-specified filename for the process names.
2. Verify that all required Ingres system processes are running. The following processes (in the order they are started) are the minimum required for a complete installation:
• II_IUSV_nn_ppp--Recovery process
• DMFACP_nn--Archiver process
• II_GCN_nn--Name Server process
• II_GCC_nn_pppp--Communications Server process (present only on sites with Ingres Net)
• II_DBMS_nn_pppp--DBMS Server process
• II_STAR_nn_pppp--Star Server process (present only on sites with Ingres Star)
• RMCMD_nn_ppp--Remote Command Server for use with VDBA
• II_GCB_nn_pppp--Bridge Server process (present only on sites with Ingres Bridge)
Where nn is the optional two-letter installation code, and pppp is the lower two bytes of the process’ process ID.
Note: If you are checking the processes on a client node, only the Name Server and Communications Server processes are displayed when issuing the $ SHOW SYSTEM command.
3. If ingstart does not complete successfully, do the following:
a. Check for error messages in the errlog.log:
b. Try to identify the reason for startup failure.
• The problem is with ingstart. If the ingstart executable fails due to results of the checks it makes for sufficient resources and installation settings, correct the deficiency.
• A process failed to start. If a process failed to start, continue on to the detail sections on startup problems for that specific process.