6. Troubleshooting Ingres : Inconsistent Databases and Recovery : Inconsistent Database : Diagnose an Inconsistent Database
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Diagnose an Inconsistent Database
Diagnose the cause and extent of an inconsistent database problem before you attempt to recover your database. Knowing the cause of the problem is essential to choosing the proper recovery procedures. Once a database has been rolled forward from a checkpoint, recovered from an operating system backup, or forced consistent, you cannot determine the cause of inconsistency.
To diagnose the cause and extent of an inconsistent database problem:
1. Read and save the full text of the error messages in errlog.log and iircp.log.
2. Run the infodb command (from the operating system prompt or from the Database menu in Actian Director or VDBA) to read the database's configuration file and identify the cause of inconsistency.
If the configuration file can be opened and read, the cause of the inconsistency is displayed. Save the output of infodb for technical support.
If the database's configuration file, "aaaaaaaa.cnf", cannot be read, it is corrupted. You need to recover from a backup, as described in Recover an Inconsistent Database.
3. Review the history of your Ingres installation. Look for improper system administration procedures that have caused the database to become inconsistent. See the table in Common Causes of Inconsistent Databases.
4. Report your problem to technical support. If inconsistent database was not caused by incorrect system administration procedures, hardware failure, or known operating system software bugs, record the information, as discussed in What You Need Before Contacting Technical Support.