4. Setting Environment Variables and Logicals : Customization of Query Runtime Environment : II_SQL_INIT : Example: Set II_SQL_INIT
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Example: Set II_SQL_INIT
To define this Ingres environment variable, use the following command syntax at the operating system prompt:
SET II_SQL_INIT=path_to_file
C Shell:
setenv II_SQL_INIT path_to_file
For example:
setenv II_SQL_INIT /usr/george/mystartfile
Bourne Shell:
II_SQL_INIT=path_to_file export II_SQL_INIT
For example:
II_SQL_INIT=/usr/george/mystartfile export II_SQL_INIT
define II_SQL_INIT path_to_file
For example:
The file contains lines in the following format:
set lockmode session where readlock = nolock \g
This file contains the SET statements. If you have several set statements, separate the statements with a semicolon (;). You must end the entire file with ā€œ\gā€.