F. Features Introduced in Ingres 9.2 : Connectivity Enhancements : Connection Pooling in ODBC CLI (UNIX and VMS)
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Connection Pooling in ODBC CLI (UNIX and VMS)
The Ingres ODBC Call-level Interface (ODBC CLI) now supports ODBC connection pooling. Connection pooling allows connections to be shared in ODBC applications and improves performance, especially in multi-threaded applications and applications with a large number of connections.
Connection pooling is set on a per-process basis and is supported in the SQLSetEnvAttr() function. By default, ODBC connection pooling is disabled.
If the ODBC CLI detects that a pooled connection has remained connected past the defined time-out interval, the connection is terminated. A new screen in the Ingres ODBC Administrator utility (iiodbcadmin) allows users to specify the connection timeout value. The minimum timeout value is 1 second; the maximum is 2,147,483,647 seconds.
If a user upgrades his or her Ingres installation without running iiodbcinst, iisuodbc, or iiodbcadmin, the default timeout value is -1, which indicates no timeouts.
Note:  ODBC connection pooling is already supported in Windows environments.