Edit the Unloaddb Output
The unloaddb output must be modified for recreating just the database objects and storage structures.
To edit the unloaddb output, manually edit each cp{user}.in file that unloaddb created to extract the following statements:
• Create rule statements into a file named {user}_rule.sql
• Create procedure related statements into {user}_dbp.sql
• Create dbevent related statements into {user}_event.sql
• Modify statements into {user}_modify.sql
• Modify and create index statements into {user}_modindex.sql
• All other non-base-table related statements into {user}_grantview.sql. This file will contain grants, QUEL permits, QUEL integrities, and view definitions.
For UNIX, the extract_unloaddb.sh shellscript is available that extracts one user's object definitions. The script is available on the Actian Support web site.
Note: The $ingres user should not own any non-catalog objects, so do not process the cp_ingre.in file that unloaddb creates.
As a result of this step, SQL scripts are created that can recreate any database object or storage structure owned by any user in any database.