A. Upgrading from Ingres 6.4 : How You Upgrade from Ingres 6.4 Using Unload/Reload : Save Users, Groups, and Roles
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Save Users, Groups, and Roles
Note:  This step is required only for a clean-install upgrade.
To save users, groups,and roles
1. As the installation owner, change directory to the iidbdb unload directory created in Step 1 of the upgrade procedure.
2. Run the following SQL to save users, groups, and roles:
sql iidbdb
create table unload_tmp as
select name,status,default_group
from iiuser
where name not in ('ingres','$ingres','root')
copy unload_tmp (
) into 'users.out'
drop unload_tmp;commit

 copy iiusergroup (
) into 'groups.out'

 copy iirole(
) into 'roles.out'