infodb Command—Display Database Information
The infodb command displays a variety of information on a database, including its status, the location of its files (from the configuration file aaaaaaaa.cnf), and a history of checkpoints and journaling.
To use this command, you must be a privileged user or the DBA of the specified database. If you are a privileged user, you can use the -u flag to impersonate another user. On VMS, to use this command against a database in a group level installation, you must be a privileged user (VMS CMKRNL, SYSPRV, and PHY_IO privileges).
The infodb command has the following format:
infodb [‑databases][dbname[/server_class]][#c[n]][-uusername][-help]
Lists the names of all databases in the current installation if no other arguments are supplied.
Indicates the name of the database, and if required, the
server_class, as described in
Standard Flags and Parameters (see page
Standard Flags and Parameters).
If no database is specified, infodb prints a report for each database.
Lists the objects included in a specific checkpoint for the database. The relevant checkpoint file must exist in the dump location for the database. The checkpoint number n must be a valid checkpoint number. If n is omitted, information about the most recent completed checkpoint is displayed.
UNIX: In bash shell, you must place this option in quotes; otherwise characters after the # will be treated as a comment. For example:
infodb empdata "#c1"
Displays command syntax online.