10. Understanding ODBC Connectivity : ODBC Programming : Database Procedure Execution : Database Procedures that Return Values
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Database Procedures that Return Values
SQLBindParameter() binds parameters for database procedures, just as for other types of queries. The following example executes a procedure that has no input parameters and returns an integer value:
SQLINTEGER retval = 500;
SQLINTEGER orind = 0;
SQLBindParameter( hstmt,  /* Statement handle */
    1,                    /* Parameter number */
    SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT,     /* It's an output parameter */
    SQL_C_LONG,           /* Source data is an integer */
    SQL_INTEGER,          /* Target column is an integer */
    0,                    /* Length not required */
    0,                    /* Precision not required */
    &retval,              /* The data itself */
    0,                    /* Max length not required */
    &orind1);             /* Indicator can be zero */
SQLExecDirect( hstmt, "{ ? = call myDbProc () }", SQL_NTS );
The value returned from the procedure "myDbProc" is returned in the integer "retval" after the procedure is executed. Note that the third argument, ParameterType, is designated as SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT.