G. SunLink Gateway Configuration Files : SunOS (or Sun-4) Independent LUs
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SunOS (or Sun-4) Independent LUs
The following example is for SunOS (or Sun-4) independent LUs. This file is usually in the opt/SUNWconn/snap2p/p2p_etc/config directory.
pu_name               = S1MVS, network_name = RTIBM
contents_id           = 01234567

pu_name               = S1MVS, node_id = NODE0

fql_lu_name           = S1115001       # An LU name in VTAM/NCP gen

lu_local_address      = 1
lu_name               = S1115001       # An LU name in VTAM/NCP gen
lu_session_limit      = 16

fql_plu_name          = A04IS1G2       # VTAM Applid for
                                       # Ingres
u_plu_name            = A04IS1G2       # Enterprise Access to DB2
parallel_session      = 1              # Must set to this value
cnos_supported        = 1              # Must set to this value
remote_is_sscp        = 0              # Must set to this value
initiate_type         = INITIATE_ONLY
security_acceptance   = NONE

mode_name             = INGLU62
unique_session_name   = s1             # This is the name specified
                                       # as the Node Address in
                                       # NETU entries
snd_pac_window        = 0              # Recommended
rcv_pac_window        = 0              # Recommended
snd_max_ru_size       = 4096           # Recommended
rcv_max_ru_size       = 4096           # Recommended
sync_level            = 0
sess_reinit           = INIT_OPERATOR
auto_activate_limit   = 0
session_limit         = 64             # Allows for 64
                                       # parallel sessions
min_conwinner_limit   = 32
min_conloser_limit    = 32
The following example is for an SDLC connection through the serial port:
dlc_name              = XLINK000
device_driver_name    = /dev/ifd0
dlc_type              = 0
npr_timeout           = 240
pause_timeout         = 2
idle_timeout          = 400           # for maxdata = 1033
                                      # & line speed = 9600
frm_size              = 1033          # [frm_size - 8]
retries               = 32
window_size           = 7
rxaddr                = 0x1
txaddr                = 0x1
full_duplex           = yes
nrzi                  = no
multipoint            = yes
addr.search           = no
switched_line         = no
send_reject           = no
rcv_reject            = no
block_number          = 056           # MUST be first of xid
                                      # parameters
id_number             = E2E43
abm_support           = no
max_btu_rev           = 265
sim_rlm               = no
role                  = secondary
tx_rx_capability      = simultaneous
max_btu_rcv           = 265
max_rcv_iframe_siz    = 7
include_control_point      = yes      # xid control vector
include_link_station_name  = yes      # xid control vector
product_set_id = 161101130011f9f4f0f4c3f1f0f1f0f0f0f2f4f1f6f4

dlc_name               = XLINK000
pu_name                = S1MVS
als_name               = XXALS000
remote_addr            = 0x10