12. Using the Query Optimizer : Query Execution Plans : Text-Only QEP : Concise QEP
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Concise QEP
SET QEP CONCISE displays the QEP in a format suitable for parsing by a program. The format is as follows:
<Query Plan No and timeout details>| {top node [{left child [{left child…}][{right child…}]};
The following example shows a QEP displayed in tree format and concise format.
Tree format
QUERY PLAN 1,1, no timeout, of main query
                                Hash Join(reltid,
                                Pages 1 Tups 91
                                D20 C41
                     /                      \
                    Proj-rest               Proj-rest
                    Heap                    Heap
                    Pages 1 Tups 177        Pages 9 Tups 1817
                    D2 C2                   D18 C18
         /                      /
        iirelation              iiattribute
        (r)                     (a)
        cHashed(NU)              cHashed(NU)
        Pages 18 Tups 177        Pages 132 Tups 1817
Concise format
QUERY PLAN 1,1, no timeout, of main query  | {Hash Join(reltid,  reltidx)  Heap Pages 1 Tups 91 D20 C41 {Proj-rest Heap Pages 1 Tups 177 D2 C2 {iirelation (r) cHashed(NU) Pages 18 Tups 177 }}{Proj-rest Heap Pages 9  Tups 1817 D18 C18 {iiattribute (a) cHashed(NU) Pages 132 Tups 1817 }}};