6. Loading and Unloading Databases : Copying and Relocating a Database : Example: Copy a Database to a New Database and Swap Contents of Locations
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Example: Copy a Database to a New Database and Swap Contents of Locations
The following example copies the empdata database to a new database, empdev, and swaps the contents of the locations ii_database and loc1 in the new database.
relocatedb empdata -new_database=empdev
   -location=ii_database, loc1
   -new_location=loc1, ii_database
1. Follow Steps 1–3 in Example: Copy a Database to a New Database (see page Example: Copy a Database to a New Database).
2. Enable the Reassign Location check box.
The locations that are currently being used by the empdata database (ii_database and loc1) are displayed in the Initial Location column.
3. In the New Location column, double-click on the location to be changed and select the new location from the drop-down list box.
For example, double-click on the ii_database location in the New Location column and select loc1. Change the loc1 location to ii_database.
4. Click OK.