A. System Catalogs : Extended System Catalogs : Sample Queries for the Extended System Catalogs for SQL : Example: Find Information on All Frames and Procedures in an Application
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Example: Find Information on All Frames and Procedures in an Application
The following two queries require two correlation variables on the table ii_objects. Two variables are required, because we need to find all the frames and procedures in the application, plus object information on the selected frames and procedures.
This query finds information on all frames and procedures in application lab.
select appname=o.object_name, o2.object_class,
 2.object_name, o2.object_owner, o2.short_remark
  from ii_objects o, ii_abfobjects a,
    ii_objects o2
  where o.object_name = 'lab'
  and o.object_class = 2001
  /* object_class 2001 = "abf application" */
  and o.object_id = a.applid
  and a.object_id = o2.object_id
This query finds dependency information for all frames and procedures in application payables. Frames and procedures with no dependencies show up as a row with ad.name=DUMMY.
select appname=o.object_name, o2.object_class,
 o2.object_name, o2.object_owner,
  o2.short_remark, ad.abfdef_name,
  ad.abfdef_deptype, ad.object_class
  from ii_objects o, ii_objects o2,
    ii_abfobjects a, ii_abfdependencies ad
  where o.object_name = 'payables'
  and o.object_class = 2001
/* object_class 2001 = "abf application" */
  and o.object_id = a.applid
  and a.object_id = o2.object_id
  and a.object_id = ad.object_id
order by object_name