Column Name | Data Type | Description |
database_name | char(32) | The name of the database on which the privilege is defined |
grantee_name | char(32) | The name of the grantee for which the privilege is granted: User Group Role Public |
gr_type | char(1) | Authorization type of the grantee: U--user G--group R--role P--public |
cr_tab | char(1) | Indicates if the grantee has the create table privilege: U--undefined Y--yes N--no |
cr_proc | char(1) | Indicates if the grantee has the create procedure privilege: U--undefined Y--yes N--no |
lk_mode | char(1) | Indicates if the grantee has the set lockmode privilege: U--undefined Y--yes N--no |
db_access | char(1) | Y if grantee can connect to databases |
up_syscat | char(1) | Y if grantee can update catalog tables |
db_admin | char(1) | Indicates if the grantee has the db_admin privilege: U--undefined Y--yes N--no |
global_usage | char(1) | Reserved for future use |
qry_io_lim | integer | The limit of I/O per query for the grantee if qry_io is Y |
qry_io | char(1) | Indicates whether the query_io_limit privilege has been defined for the database and authorization type specified in database_name and grantee_name, respectively: Y--limit exists N--no limit U--undefined |
qry_row_lim | integer | The limit of query rows per query for the grantee if qry_row is Y |
qry_row | char(1) | Indicates whether the query_row_limit privilege has been defined for the database and authorization type specified in database_name and grantee_name, respectively. Y--limit exists N--no limit U--undefined |
sel_syscats | char(1) | Y if grantee has select_syscat privileges |
tbl_stats | char(1) | Y if grantee has table_statistics privileges |
idle_time | char(1) | Y if grantee has an idle time limit |
idle_time_lim | integer | Idle time limit in seconds |
conn_time | char(1) | Y if grantee has a connect time limit |
conn_time_lim | integer | Connect time limit in seconds |
sess_prio | char(1) | Y if grantee has the session priority privilege and can alter session priorities |
sess_pri_lim | integer | Highest priority to which a session owned by this grantee can be set |