Column Name | Data Type | Description |
object_name | char(256) | The name of the table, view, or procedure |
object_owner | char(32) | The owner of the table, view, or procedure |
permit_grantor | char(32) | The name of the user granting the permit |
object_type | char(1) | The type of the object: T if a table P if a database procedure E if an event V if a view |
create_date | char(25) | The creation date of the permit |
permit_user | char(32) | The user name to which this permit applies |
permit_depth | smallint | Indicates relative ordering distance of the permit holder from the object owner, as established in the grant with grant option statements |
permit_number | smallint | The number of this permit |
text_sequence | integer8 | The sequence number from 1 for the text_segment |
text-segment | varchar(240) | The text of the permission definition |