Step 3: Rebuild the CICS/6000 COBOL Run Time System
To rebuild the CICS/6000 COBOL Run Time System
1. Log in under the “root” account.
2. Run the “cicsmkcobol” script that you modified in Step 2, specifying the names of the Ingres shared libraries as parameters. To do this, issue the following commands:
# cd /usr/lpp/cics/v2.0/bin
# export DEBUG=1
# cicsmkcobol $II_SYSTEM/ingres/lib/libq.1.a\
The “cicsmkcobol” script creates a file named “cicsprCOBOL” in the /usr/lpp/cics/v2.0/bin directory.
After performing these steps, you can compile and link applications written in COBOL. For details on how to verify that the configuration has been successfully completed, see
COBOL Applications (see page
COBOL Applications) in this appendix.