13. Building Applications : The Create a Frame or Procedure Frame : Creating a QBF Frame : Create a QBF Frame
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Create a QBF Frame
To create a QBF frame:
1. From the Edit an Application frame, choose Create.
2. Select Frame from the Create a Frame or Procedure pop-up. The Create a Frame or Procedure pop-up figure shows this stage.
3. Select QBF. The Create a QBF Frame pop-up appears. It is identical in format to the Create a USER Frame pop-up.
4. In the Name field enter the name for this QBF frame. Choose OK.
5. The Edit a QBF Frame Definition frame appears, showing the name you selected in Step 3 as the Frame Name and the default Query Name.
Optionally enter a description in the Short Remark field.
6. In the Query Object Name field, type the name of the query target. Indicate whether this object is a table or JoinDef in the Query Object Type field.
7. In the Form Name field, enter a form name. You can specify a form that already exists or create a new one as described below.
8. In the Command Line Flags line, optionally enter parameters for runtime operation of the frame.