5. Embedded QUEL : Retrieve Statement : Other Data Manipulation Statements
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Other Data Manipulation Statements
Unlike retrieve, other EQUEL database access statements do not have an inherent loop structure. The following example shows the use of the EQUEL append, replace, and delete statements.
begin program
## ename   character_string(21)
## salary  float
## eno     integer
   ename = "smith"
   salary = 15000
## ingres "personnel"
## range of e is employee
## append to employee (empname = ename, 
###salary = salary)
   salary = 17500
## replace e (#salary = salary)
## where e.empname = ename
## delete e where e.#salary = salary
## exit
end program
As with the retrieve statement, the non-cursor versions of the delete, append, and replace statements can be formulated as repeated queries.