8. SQL Statements : GRANT (privilege) : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES Option : Other Privileges
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Other Privileges
The requirements for granting all privileges on tables, views, database procedures, and database events depend on the type of object and the owner. To grant a privilege on an object owned by another user, the grantor or public must have been granted the privilege WITH GRANT OPTION. Only the privileges for which the grantor or public has GRANT OPTION are granted.
The following example illustrates the results of the GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES option. The accounting_mgr user creates the following employee table:
CREATE TABLE employee (name CHAR(25), department CHAR(5),
salary MONEY)...
and, using the following GRANT statement, grants the accounting_supervisor user the ability to select all columns but only allows accounting_supervisor to update the department column (to prevent unauthorized changes of the salary column):
GRANT SELECT, UPDATE (department) ON TABLE employees TO accounting_supervisor WITH GRANT OPTION;
If the accounting_supervisor user issues the following GRANT statement:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE employees TO accounting_clerk;
the accounting_clerk user receives SELECT and UPDATE(department) privileges.