Trace Database Events
The following features enable your application to display and trace database events:
• To enable or disable the display of database event trace information for an application when it raises a database event, SET [NO]PRINTDBEVENTS statement.
To enable the display of database events as they are raised by the application, specify set PRINTDBEVENTS. To disable the display of database events, specify SET NOPRINTDBEVENTS.
• To enable or disable the logging of raised database events to the installation log file, use the SET [NO]LOGDBEVENTS statement:
To enable the logging of database events as they are raised by the application, specify SET LOGDBEVENTS. To disable the logging of database events, specify SET NOLOGDBEVENTS.
• To enable or disable the display of database events as they are received by an application, use the EXEC SQL SET_SQL(DBEVENTDISPLAY = 1| 0 | variable)
Specify a value of 1 to enable the display of received database events, or 0 to disable the display of received database events. This feature can also be enabled by using II_EMBED_SET. For details about II_EMBED_SET, see the System Administrator Guide.
• A routine can be created that traps all database events returned to an embedded SQL application. To enable or disable a database event-handling routine or function, your embedded SQL application must issue the EXEC SQL SET_SQL(DBEVENTHANDLER = event_routine | 0) statement.
To trap database events to your database event-handling routine, specify event_routine as a pointer to your error-handling function. For information about specifying pointers to functions, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide. Before using the SET_SQL statement to redirect database event handling, create the database event-handling routine, declare it, and link it with your application.