G. Features Introduced in Ingres 9.0 (Ingres 2006) : Connectivity Enhancements : .NET Data Provider and Visual Studio .NET Integration : Ingres .NET Data Provider
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Ingres .NET Data Provider
The Ingres .NET Data Provider is a .NET component that enables high-performance native .NET access to Ingres data sources and delivers Ingres data to the Microsoft .NET Framework.
The Ingres .NET Data Provider offers a series of .NET types to describe the user’s data, .NET provider classes to manipulate the data, and connection pooling to efficiently manage data connections.
The design and naming conventions of the Ingres .NET Data Provider’s data types, classes, properties, and methods follow the same pattern as the Microsoft .NET Data Providers. Consequently, developers who are familiar with the Microsoft providers can easily develop or convert existing code from Microsoft databases to Ingres databases.
All Ingres .NET Data Provider modules are written in C#, a managed .NET language with full access to every .NET Framework capability. Even though the data provider is written in C#, any managed language such as VB.NET or J# can use the data provider because of .NET’s language interoperability feature.
For more information, see the Connectivity Guide.