D. Features Introduced in Ingres 9.3 : Supportability Enhancements : Line Numbers for All Error Messages
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Line Numbers for All Error Messages
Information added to messages written to the error log (errlog.log) makes it easier to identify the source of errors. The error message header in errlog.log embeds the file name and line number of the source file in which the error is detected.
Information added to the message header is shown in bold in the following example:
INGDEV-SERVER1_ING::[51626 , 28254 , 96f920e0, dm2t.c:2504]: 08-Sep-2008 17:26:45.94 E_DM9C8A_DM2T_FIX_TCB An error occurred while trying to locate and/or build the Table Control Block for a table.
where dm2t.c is the file name, and 2504 is the line number.
Because source information is now included in errlog.log, it is no longer necessary to define II_DBMS_LOG to see source information, although the messages continue to be echoed to II_DBMS_LOG.