3. Upgrading Using Upgradedb : How You Upgrade Using the Upgradedb Utility : Preserve Site Modifications : Preserve Necessary Files
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Preserve Necessary Files
If you cannot identify all your customized files, you can ensure that you preserve the necessary files by performing the following procedure. This procedure copies more files than necessary, but you can delete the copy after Ingres has been running live for a period.
To preserve necessary files
1. Delete all *.log files from $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files
2. Copy to a safe place the entire contents of the following directories:
all .opt files
Note:  Do not delete the copy immediately when the upgrade completes, because you may discover weeks later that you need the old version of a file (for example, a Vision template or keyboard map) from the original $II_SYSTEM/ingres directory.
UNIX: On UNIX, to copy these files, use commands similar to the following:
cd $II_SYSTEM/ingres
tar cf - bin files rep utility | (cd /someplace/safe;tar xf -)