8. Working with RBF Report Specifications : Column Options : Sort Order : Change the Sort Order
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Change the Sort Order
To change the sort order of your report
1. Select the ColumnOptions operation from the Report Layout frame menu.
The Column Options frame (in the seventh figure) appears, with a default sort order (see page Default Sort Order) based on the first column of the table, view, or JoinDef on which your report is based.
2. Tab to the Sort Sequence field and enter the order in which you want the column sorted.
You can have from 1 to 1024 sort columns, with 1 as the primary sort column, 2 as the secondary, and so forth.
If you do not want to designate a column as a sort column, set the sort order to zero (0).
3. For each sort column designated, establish the sort direction:
d. Tab to the Sort Direction field.
e. If necessary, type a (for ascending) or d (for descending) over the values currently in the field and press Return. (RBF fills out the field with the complete word for you.)
4. Select the End operation to return to the Report Layout frame.