10. Understanding ODBC Connectivity : ODBC Programming : ODBC User Authentication : Ingres Super Users
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Ingres Super Users
An Ingres user with security administrator privileges can assume the identity of other users without having to provide a password. Such users are called Ingres "super" users, as in Linux and Unix notation. An example in SQLConnect() follows:
SQLConnect( hdbc,                /* Connection handle */
       (SQLCHAR *)"myDSN",       /* The ODBC DSN definition */
        SQL_NTS,                 /* This is a null-terminated string */
       (SQLCHAR *)"altUserName", /* Alternate username */
        SQL_NTS,                 /* This is a null-terminated string */
       (SQLCHAR *)NULL,          /* No password required */
        SQL_NTS );               /* This is a null-terminated string */
The example code allows the ODBC application to authorize as "altUserName" without a password. In functional terms, this is the equivalent to the -u flag in Terminal Monitor.
Note:  The local user name must be an Ingres super user when connecting locally. If connecting remotely, the user name defined in netutil for the target vnode must be an Ingres super user.