12. Using the Query Optimizer : Specialized Statistics Processing : Display Optimizer Statistics : Delete Optimizer Statistics
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Delete Optimizer Statistics
To delete statistics, use the -zdl flag with the statdump command. Use the -r and -a flags to specify the tables and columns for which to delete statistics.
This command deletes statistics from the demodb database: columns empno and sex from the emp table and the empno column from the task table:
statdump -zdl demodb -remp -aempno -asex -rtask -aempno
In Director, use the Display Statistics dialog, Options page.
In VDBA, enable the Delete Statistics from Syscat check box. Using this check box in conjunction with the Specify Tables and Specify Columns check boxes, you can specify the tables and columns for which to delete statistics.
For example, enable the Delete Statistics from Syscat check box, specify the empno and sex columns from the emp table and the empno column from the task table.