3. Embedded QUEL for COBOL : Precompiling, Compiling, and Linking an EQUEL Program : Incorporating Ingres into the Micro Focus RTS—UNIX : Including External Compiled Forms in the RTS
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Including External Compiled Forms in the RTS
The description of how to build an Ingres RTS that can access the Ingres forms system does not include a method with which to include compiled forms into the RTS. (Compiled forms are pre-compiled form objects that do not need to be retrieved from the database. Refer to your language reference manual for a description of precompiled forms.) Since the compiled forms are external objects (in object code), you must link them into your RTS.
Because some UNIX platforms allow you to use the Micro Focus EXTERNAL clause to reference objects linked into your RTS and some do not, two procedures are given here. The first procedure describes how to include external compiled forms in the RTS on a platform that does permit the use of the EXTERNAL clause. The second procedure describes how to perform this task on a platform that does not allow EXTERNAL data items to reference objects linked to the RTS.