6. Embedded SQL for BASIC : BASIC Variables and Data Types : Variable Declarations : Embedded SQL Variable Declaration Sections
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Embedded SQL Variable Declaration Sections
Embedded SQL statements use BASIC variables to transfer data to and from the database or a form into the program. BASIC constants can also be used in those SQL statements transferring data from the program into the database. You must declare BASIC variables, constants, and structure definitions to SQL before using them in any Embedded SQL statements. The preprocessor does not allow implicit variable declarations. For this reason, the "%" and "$" suffixes cannot be used with variable names. BASIC variables are declared to SQL in a declaration section. This section has the following syntax:
exec sql begin declare section
   BASIC variable declarations
exec sql end declare section
Embedded SQL variable declarations are global to the program file from the point of declaration onwards. Multiple declaration sections can be incorporated into a single file, as would be the case when a few different BASIC subprograms issue embedded statements using local variables. Each subprogram can have its own declaration section. For a discussion of the declaration of variables and types that are local to BASIC subprograms, see The Scope of Variables (see page The Scope of Variables) in this chapter.