5. Embedded SQL for Ada : Advanced Processing : Sample Programs : Handler
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This example assumes that the book table was created with the statement:
exec sql create table book (chapter_num integer,
     chapter_name char(50), chapter_text long varchar);
This program inserts a row into the book table using the data handler Put_Handler to transmit the value of column chapter_text from a text file to the database in segments. Then it selects the column chapter_text from the table book using the data handler Get_Handler to retrieve the chapter_text column a segment at a time:
package DataHdlrPkg is
    type Hdlr_Rec is
      argstr:   String(1..100);
      argint:   Integer;  -- 4-byte integers
    end record;

    function Put_Handler(info: Hdlr_Rec) return Integer;
    function Get_Handler(Info: Hdlr_Rec) return Integer;
    pragma export_function(Put_Handler);
    pragma export_function(Get_Handler);

end DataHdlrPkg;

with DataHdlrPkg;      use DataHdlrPkg;

procedure handler is
    exec sql include sqlca;

-- Do not declare the datahandlers nor the datahandler
-- argument to the ESQL preprocessor
    hdlr_arg: Hdlr_Rec;

-- Null indicator for datahandler must be declared to

    exec sql begin declare section;
      indvar:     Short_integer;
      chapter_num: Integer;
    exec sql end declare section;

-- Insert a long varchar value chapter_text into the
-- table book using the datahandler Put_Handler
-- The argument passed to the datahandler is the
-- address of the record hdlr_arg

    exec sql insert into book (chapter_num, chapter_name,
         values (5, 'One Dark and Stormy Night',

-- Select the column chapter_num and the long varchar
-- column chapter_text from the table book.
-- The datahandler (Get_Handler) will be invoked
-- for each non-null value of the column chapter_text
-- retrieved. For null values the indicator
-- variable will be set to "-1" and the datahandler
-- will not be called.
    exec sql select chapter_text into
        datahandler (Get_Handler(hdlr_arg)) :indvar
        from book;

    exec sql begin;
        process row ...
    exec sql end;

end handler;