Help on ABF Frames
ABF provides context-sensitive help. This means that you can obtain help on your current task or current field. Select the Help menu operation from the menu line or press the Help key to enter the Help Utility, a feature of all Ingres tools.
A text file gives the purpose of the frame, field descriptions, key mappings, and definitions of the frame's menu operations. To display the parts of the Help window, use the keys mapped to the FRS commands Upline and Downline to scroll through the file.
The Help Utility menu offers the following operations:
Describes the current mapping of function, control, and arrow keys
Displays a list of valid values for a field or display format, data type, and validation check, if any, for a field
On some Help menus, offers additional information related to the current Help topic
Displays next page of the Help window (same as ScrollUp function key)
Displays previous page of the Help window (same as ScrollDown function key)
Displays the type of help available
Exits from any Help window to the previous frame