8. Installing and Testing Data Types : How You Install New Data Types in a VMS Environment : II_USERADT Logical—Set Disk Location of the Shared Image
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II_USERADT Logical—Set Disk Location of the Shared Image
II_USERADT points to the location of the shared image. By default, II_USERADT points to the following executable:
This location is overwritten during installations of new releases of Ingres. To avoid conflicts, place your shared image in another location and redefine II_USERADT.
System Level Installation
$define/system/exec II_USERADT II_SYSTEM.[ingres.library]iiuseradt.exe
Group Level Installation
$define/group/exec II_USERADT II_SYSTEM.[ingres.library]iiuseradtxx.exe
where xx = the two-character installation code
By default, if the logical II_USERADT is not defined, Ingres looks for the following shared image: