5. Working with Embedded SQL : Host Language Variables in Embedded SQL : Indicator Variables : Using Null Indicators to Assign Nulls
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Using Null Indicators to Assign Nulls
Use an indicator variable with a host language variable to specify the assignment of a null to a database column. (An indicator variable can also be used to assign a null to a form field or a table field column.) When the DBMS Server assigns the value from a host language variable to one of these objects, it checks the value of the host language variable’s associated indicator variable.
If the indicator variable value is -1, a null is assigned to the object and ignores the value in the host language variable. If the indicator variable is any value other than -1, the value of the host language variable is assigned to the object.
If the indicator value is -1 and the object type is not nullable (such as a column created with the NOT NULL clause), an error results.
The following example demonstrates the use of an indicator variable and the null constant with the INSERT statement. For a description of the null constant, see Nulls in the chapter “SQL Data Types.”
read name, phone number, and id from terminal;
if (phone = ' ') then
     phone_null = -1;
     phone_null = 0;
end if;
exec sql insert into newemp (name, phone, id,
     values (:name, :phone:phone_null, :id, null);
This second example retrieves data from a form and updates the data in the database:
exec frs getform empform (:name:name_null = name,
     :id:id_null = id);
exec sql update employee
     set name = :name:name_null, id = :id:id_null
     where current of emp_cursor;
Use null indicators to assign nulls in:
The VALUES clause of the INSERT statement
The SET clause of the UPDATE statement
EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement parameters
All constant expressions in the above clauses can include the keyword NULL. Wherever an indicator variable can be used to assign a null, you can use the keyword NULL.