6. Troubleshooting Ingres : Troubleshoot Startup, Shutdown, or Configuration Problems : Check Ingres Installation on VMS : Detect Ingres Startup Problems on VMS
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Detect Ingres Startup Problems on VMS
If you are having ingstart problems, use the following procedure:
1. Display the processes that are running by issuing the following command at the operating system prompt:
show system /out = filename
search filename "II_", "DMF"
The search command searches the user-specified filename for the process names.
2. Verify that all required Ingres system processes are running. The following processes (in the order they are started) are the minimum required for a complete installation:
II_IUSV_nn_ppp—Recovery process
DMFACP_nn—Archiver process
II_GCN_nn—Name Server process
II_GCC_nn_pppp—Communications Server process (present only on sites with Ingres Net)
II_DBMS_nn_pppp—DBMS Server process
II_STAR_nn_pppp—Star Server process (present only on sites with Ingres Star)
RMCMD_nn_ppp—Remote Command Server for use with VDBA
II_GCB_nn_pppp—Bridge Server process (present only on sites with Ingres Bridge)
Where nn is the optional two-letter installation code, and pppp is the lower two bytes of the process’ process ID.
Note:  If you are checking the processes on a client node, only the Name Server and Communications Server processes are displayed when issuing the $ SHOW SYSTEM command.
3. If ingstart does not complete successfully, do the following:
a. Check for error messages in the errlog.log:
For a complete list of error log files and individual component log files, see Logging and Locking Systems (see page Logging and Locking Systems).
b. Try to identify the reason for startup failure.
The problem is with ingstart. If the ingstart executable fails due to results of the checks it makes for sufficient resources and installation settings, correct the deficiency.
A process failed to start. If a process failed to start, continue on to the detail sections on startup problems for that specific process.