F. Features Introduced in Ingres 9.1 (Ingres 2006 Release 2) : New Features in the DBMS Server : Syntax for Referencing Temporary Tables
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Syntax for Referencing Temporary Tables
This release introduces a new syntax for referencing global temporary tables. This enhancement facilitates porting applications to Ingres from other database architectures.
The new syntax drops the requirement of prefixing a temporary table name with the SESSION qualifier in a DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement. If the SESSION schema qualifier is omitted in the declaration, all subsequent DML and DDL statements referencing the table can optionally omit it. When this syntax is used, creating temporary and permanent tables with the same name is not allowed, to avoid confusion in referencing tables.
Using the "SESSION." schema qualifier when referencing temporary tables is still required if the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement includes the SESSION qualifier in the table name. When this syntax is used, temporary and permanent tables can have the same name.
For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide and SQL Reference Guide.