G. Features Introduced in Ingres 9.0 (Ingres 2006) : Additions to the Visual DBA Suite : Visual Database Objects Differences Analyzer
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Visual Database Objects Differences Analyzer
The new Visual Database Objects Differences Analyzer (VDDA) tool allows you to compare groups or individual Ingres database objects, either in the current installation or saved into a snapshot file. It also allows you to visualize the differences in the database objects.
The following options are supported:
Performing the comparison either at the installation level (that is, comparing any database objects present in an installation) or at the schema level (that is, comparing objects owned by a given user within a database). In both cases, you can limit the comparison to certain object types.
Saving such groups of database object definitions into snapshot files for later comparison with current or other saved database object definitions. This allows comparisons within an installation over time.
The list of differences generated by VDDA includes one line for each difference in a property of the given database object. The bottom status line indicates the number of objects with differences and the number of differences found in the comparison.
For more information, see online help for VDDA.