Column Name | Type | Description |
query_id | bigint | Unique identifier of a query within a session, ascending |
op_id | integer | Identifier of a relational operator within a query tree, post-order starting with 1 |
name | varchar(20) | Name (type) of the operator (for example Select/Project/HashJoinN/etc) |
ticks | bigint | Execution time spent in this operator in CPU clock cycles |
cum_ticks | bigint | Execution time sped in this operator and all operators in its sub-tree |
in_tuples | bigint | Number of tuples on the input to this operator |
tuples | bigint | Number of tuples generated by the oprator |
himem | bigint | Maximum amount of memory allocated by this operator at any point in the execution (in bytes) |
qhimem | bigint | Maximum amount of memory allocated by the query |
level | integer | Level of the operator in the execution tree |
alloc_ticks | bigint | Time spent (in CPU clock cycles) to initialise the operator |
build_ticks | bigint | For HashTable based operators - time spent in Hash Table build phase |
probe_ticks | bigint | For HashTable based operators - time spent in Hash Table probe phase |
post_ticks | bigint | For HashTable based operators - time spent in Hash Table post phase |
est_cost | bigint | Execution cost (in arbitrary units) as estimated by the parallelization algorithm |
est_tuples | bigint | Generated number of tuples as estimated by the Ingres optimizer |