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CDDS Example: Horizontal Partitioning
The inventory CDDS contains information about R.E.P.’s products, but not actual inventory quantities. R.E.P. decides to split up its quantity on hand information into different warehouses.
The New York version has all the information, but the San Francisco and London versions have only the information for their respective locations. To do this, R.E.P. creates three new CDDSs, one for New York, one for San Francisco, and one for London. One of the replicated tables in the three warehouse CDDSs is the warehouse inventory table; it contains a column that specifies the location of the warehouse. The rows belonging in which CDDS is determined by the value in the location column of the warehouse inventory table.
To assign a CDDS by value, you create a lookup table containing the column for CDDS values and its corresponding attribute values. Using Visual DBA or the Replicator Manager, you can associate the lookup table with a base replicated table in your system. For detailed procedures and examples for implementing horizontal partitioning, see How You Set Up Horizontal Partitioning.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024