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Valid in: SQL, ESQL, OpenAPI, ODBC, JDBC, .NET
The REMOVE TABLE statement removes the registration of a security log file.
The REMOVE TABLE statement has the following format:
[EXEC SQL] REMOVE TABLE [schema.]tablename {, [schema.]tablename};
The REMOVE TABLE statement removes the mapping of a file to a virtual table. To map files to virtual tables, use the REGISTER TABLE statement. The REMOVE TABLE statement removes security log files that were registered using the REGISTER TABLE...AS IMPORT statement.
Note:  This statement is not the same as the REMOVE statement, which is described in the Ingres Star User Guide.
Embedded Usage
No portion of an embedded REMOVE TABLE statement can be specified using host language variables.
You must have SECURITY privilege to remove a table. However, if the target table being removed is a security audit gateway table (that is, was registered with DBMS=SXA), you must have MAINTAIN_AUDIT privilege.
The REMOVE TABLE statement locks the iirelation, iiattribute, iiqrytext, and iiregistrations catalogs.
Related Statements
Last modified date: 08/28/2024