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Recreate Users, Groups, and Roles
Note:  This step is required only for a clean-installation upgrade.
To recreate users, groups, and roles:
1. As the installation owner, change directory to your iidbdb unloaddb directory where you stored the files from the step Save Users, Groups, and Roles of this upgrade procedure
2. Run this SQL to recreate users and groups:
sql '-u$ingres' iidbdb
copy iiusergroup(groupid=c0comma,groupmem=c0nl)
from 'groups.out'
\read users.sql
Windows: Omit the quotes from the sql command line.
The file users.sql may try to recreate some users that already exist in the installation, such as the installation owner and root user. This will cause “E_US18B6 The user 'name' already exists” errors. You can ignore these errors.
3. If your original installation had roles defined, recreate them with the ADD ROLE SQL statement. Use the file roles.out as a guide.
Roles cannot be reliably bulk-loaded from the original installation, so you must recreate them by hand. After you recreate each role, issue the following SQL statement:
grant rolename to user; commit
The most common user here is public. You can use the file rolegrants.out to determine what role grants are needed.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024