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TCP/IP for Local Communications on Windows
TCP/IP (Ingres protocol tcp_ip) can now be used for local inter-process communications (IPC) on Windows as an alternative to named pipes, which is the default.
The default provides the best overall performance both locally and remotely with Ingres Net. However, when the DBMS is accessed primarily from remote clients that are “direct connect”-compatible with the server, using TCP/IP as the local IPC and “direct connect” (vnode attribute connection_type = direct) can improve response time.
To configure TCP/IP as the local IPC
1. Shut down Ingres.
2. Set Ingres environment variable II_GC_PROT:
ingsetenv II_GC_PROT tcp_ip
Note:  II_GC_PROT should be changed only when Ingres (including Ingres tools such as IVM) is completely shut down; otherwise, failures will occur for Ingres shutdown, startup, and connection requests.
3. Start Ingres.
Note:  Only protocol tcp_ip, not wintcp, is supported as a local IPC. If II_GC_PROT is not set, then named pipes is used.
With named pipes, “direct connect” is supported only across Windows machines. With the tcp_ip local IPC, “direct connect” is also supported to and from Linux and UNIX on Intel-based machines.
Note:  The Ingres environment variable II_GC_REMOTE must now be configured on Windows servers (previously only required on UNIX and Linux) to allow direct access. For configuration and compatibility requirements for “direct connect,” see the Connectivity Guide.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024