Terminal Monitor Usability Enhancements
The following command:
ingres dbname
now connects the user to the named database and starts the line-based Terminal Monitor for SQL. (In previous releases, it opened a QUEL session.)
When the terminal monitor session is started, a simple message displays usage information helpful to new users (shown in bold here):
$ sql demodb
INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2010 Ingres Corporation
Ingres Linux Version II 10.0.0 (int.lnx/00)NPTL login
Thu Apr 22 06:24:54 2010
Enter \g to execute commands, "help help\g" for help, \q to quit
In addition, the history recall feature is now enabled by default in Linux and UNIX environments. You can recall text previously entered in your terminal monitor session by using the Up and Down arrow keys.
To disable this feature for the duration of the terminal monitor session, start the terminal monitor with the ‑nohistory_recall flag.
You can enable or disable this feature for the instance by setting the new configuration parameter ii.*.tm.history_recall.
Note: The -nohistory_recall flag is not applicable on Windows.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024