Layout and Create Operations--Create New Report Components
Use the Layout operation to create these report sections:
• Report header
• Page header
• Break headers
• Detail section
• Break footers
• Page footer
• Report footer
Use the Create operation to create:
• Trim
• Columns
• Aggregates
• Column headings
• Blank lines
To use the Create operation
1. Position the cursor where you want to create the new component.
2. Choose the Create operation from the Report Layout frame menu.
RBF displays the Create submenu, which offers the following options:
Enters the text of a new trim element at the cursor position. For instructions, see
Create Trim.
Creates a new column and column heading at the cursor position. In Labels reports, creates a column without a column heading. For more information, see
Create a Column.
Create an aggregate, such as sum or average, on a column. Aggregates can be cumulative or unique and must be in break, page, or report footer sections. For instructions, see
Creates a new or additional heading line (not available for Labels reports). The new heading line must be associated with an existing heading, column, or aggregate. For details, see
Create Additional Heading Lines.
Inserts a blank line above the line on which the cursor rests. For instructions, see
Create Blank Lines.
Help, End
Perform standard operations.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024