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General Command Syntax
A command consists of one or more required command words, usually followed by one or more flags or parameters:
command [flags] [parameters]
A flag is a command option that consists of a letter preceded by a hyphen (-). A flag may stand alone (-f), or be followed by a parameter (-fparameter). Generally, there is no space between a flag and parameter.
Flags are shown in lowercase unless they are required to be uppercase. Uppercase flags (see Uppercase Flags) may need special input syntax if the host operating system is case-insensitive.
A parameter is a command line option that is not a flag. A parameter can be the name of a database, a table or other object, or a value that specifies a particular use for a command.
In general, you can enter command options in any order. A few commands, however, require options in a specific order.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024