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Object Specification for delobj Command
The object specification names one or more objects to be deleted from the database using the delobj command. You can specify one type of object only.
The objectspec parameter has the following format:
-report|-form|-joindef|-graph|-application|-qbfname {objname} [-wildcard]
[-include filename]
Indicates that the object names refer to reports.
Indicates that the object names refer to forms.
Indicates that the object names refer to join definitions.
Indicates that the object names refer to applications.
Indicates that the object names refer to QBFNames.
Specifies one or more object names of the specified type.
An object name can contain SQL wildcard characters (%, _, [  ]), with the backslash (\) as the escape character. For details, see Pattern-Matching Predicates in the SQL Reference Guide.
Expands wildcards. The default is not to expand wildcards.
-include filename
Specifies the name of an ASCII file that contains object names. This parameter is an alternative to listing multiple objname parameters on the command line.
The file can consist of one or more ASCII lines with the following format characteristics:
Each line can be up to 256 bytes (not characters) in length. Longer lines may cause errors.
A line can contain a combination of object names, comment, and white space (blanks and tabs).
A comment begins with the character # and continues to the end of the line. Each line terminates with an ASCII carriage return (CR), line feed (LF), or form feed (FF) character.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024