Command Reference Guide > Command Reference Guide > Using Ingres Commands > ingunset Command--Delete Environment Variable
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ingunset Command--Delete Environment Variable
The ingunset command deletes or unsets the specified Ingres environment variable from the Ingres symbol table. To view variable settings, use the ingprenv command.
This command affects only Ingres environment variables stored in the symbol table (symbol.tbl), not Windows or UNIX environment variables. For more information on the symbol.tbl file, see the System Administrator Guide.
Caution!  Never edit the symbol table directory.
Note:  The ingunset command is not available for VMS. Use the VMS command DEASSIGN instead.
The ingunset command has the following format:
ingunset variable_name
Specifies the installation variable that you want to unset.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024