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Standard ODBC Tracing
Standard ODBC tracing is written in a format that summarizes the ODBC functions called and provides information about the arguments passed to the ODBC functions. Here is an excerpt of a standard ODBC trace:
python iter     ae4-21c ENTER SQLAllocHandle
                SQLSMALLINT                  1 <SQL_HANDLE_ENV>
                SQLHANDLE           00000000
                SQLHANDLE *         0021FCA4
python iter     ae4-21c EXIT  SQLAllocHandle  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
                SQLSMALLINT                  1 <SQL_HANDLE_ENV>
                SQLHANDLE           00000000
                SQLHANDLE *         0x0021FCA4 ( 0x00961788)
Ingres Support can often generate test cases that reproduce the problem entirely from the information in the ODBC trace log.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025