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Tools for Defining Vnodes
You define vnode names and their corresponding connection data entries and remote user authorizations using one of these tools:
Network Utility (ingnet)
Visual DBA
Net Management Utility (netutil)
Not all tools are available on all platforms.
To access Director
Refer to the Actian Director User Guide.
To access the Network Utility
Windows and UNIX Environments that Support Ingres Visual Tools:
Use one of the following ways:
Choose Start, Programs, Ingres, Network Utility.
From Visual Manager, choose File, Run, Ingres Network Utility or select the Network Utility toolbar button.
Enter ingnet on the command line.
To access Visual DBA
Use one of the following ways:
Choose Start, Programs, Ingres, Visual DBA, or right-click the Ingres installation icon in the Windows status bar and choose Visual DBA.
From Visual Manager, choose File, Run, Ingres Visual DBA or select the Visual DBA toolbar button.
Enter vdba on the command line. For the required command syntax, see the Command Reference Guide.
To access netutil
Enter netutil on the command line. For the required command syntax, see the Command Reference Guide.
VMS and UNIX Environments that Do Not Support Ingres Visual Tools: Enter netutil on the command line. For the required command syntax, see the Command Reference Guide.
When Ingres and Ingres tools are installed as a cluster installation, it is necessary to run netutil from only one node to set up connection data entries and remote user authorizations for all of the nodes in the cluster.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025