Backup by Checkpoints
A checkpoint provides you with a snapshot of the database at the time you took the checkpoint.
Each time you perform a checkpoint operation, a new checkpoint of the database is taken. Checkpointing can be performed at the database level and table level.
A record of up to 99 checkpoints can be maintained at any point. We recommend that at least one database-level checkpoint be included in this record.
To ensure that a valid database checkpoint is always available, we recommend that you use the infodb command to verify the status of the database and checkpoints.
Taking a checkpoint (issuing the ckpdb command without any flags on the command) does not affect the current state of journaling for the database. For details on how to enable and disable journaling with a checkpoint, see
Database Journaling and
Disable Journaling.
Tables that have had journaling enabled after the previous checkpoint have their journaling status changed from “enabled after next checkpoint” to just “enabled.”
To checkpoint a database or tables, you must be a privileged user (operator privilege or system administrator).
Last modified date: 02/26/2025